Don’t let a challenge stop you from reaching your fullest potential.


“Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going.” — Chantal Sutherland

The picture above shows my gratitude jar that my sister got me as a gift.  I had my family fill it up with notes of what they were grateful for.  I also have a few notes of gratitude in there as well.  Gratitude really puts things in perspective.  One thing I am grateful for at this moment is the fact that I was able to pull off creating a painting a day for the past 1oo days.  As I am finishing up my last painting for this challenge, I have realized a few things:

  1. Practice really does make perfect or almost perfect.  I have seen myself grow as an artist through forcing myself to paint every day.  I no longer had an excuse, no writers, or should I say, painters block here.
  2. Never, EVER, give up!  I am finally learning how to finish what I start, something I always encourage my own children to do.  
  3. Opportunities have shown up that never would have if I had not taken up this challenge.  I think there is something to starting something and an energy in it or a momentum that takes place.  Action always leads to some kind of reward.
  4. There will be easy days, as well as hard days.  It’s inevitable but the key is to keep your eye on the ball, don’t lose focus or go into self doubt.
  5. Don’t ever limit yourself, we are all full of an immense amount of potential!
  6.  Challenges are not easy, that’s why they are called challenges! 
  7. You may inspire someone else and it will lead into a ripple effect of inspiration.


This is a photo from my recent exhibit at the Chocholate and Art show.  It was quite a night, so many amazing pieces.  A room full of artwork and artists.  My perfect world.

Go out there and challenge yourself to do something different, maybe a little out of your comfort zone.  See what changes it will bring in you, the growth you might experience might expand your world in ways you never imagined.  

4 comments on “Don’t let a challenge stop you from reaching your fullest potential.

  1. Leyla says:

    Congratulations!! You inspire me to follow my dreams and to never give up!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. emon61 says:

    Yeah, you are really inspiring. It is very important for us to have a friend like you

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I agree with the comments written before me, Sheyl is a very inspiring Person and it is reflected in her art as well.
    Her positive attitude is so helpful.
    I am about to open a Gallery, (where I hopoe to see Sheryl’s Artwork), sometimes I almost gave up my dream, but at those moments, reading her supportive words, was like a spirit booster. Thank you Sheryl!

    Liked by 1 person

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